The Truth Will Set You Free

The Truth Will Set You Free

The Truth Will Set You Free

Years ago, at our church, we had a watch night service.  They asked us to bring our favorite Bible verse.   Well, I didn’t have one.  I thought about it and prayed, and God led me to John  8:32.  AND YOU SHALL know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”

At that time, John had been called to preach. We had planned on going to Missouri to go to Bible College.  We had just bought our new house.  I was conflicted.  I wanted to stay in our new house and make it a home.  I was tired of renting and moving, renting and moving, but I knew that God was in our moving.  I realized I had been worrying.  I had three kids to feed; we were leaving good jobs.  But I was young then and had many lessons to learn.  My verse once again set me free.  If I really trusted God, He would take care of our family.  Yes, He would set me free because that was the truth.

I started to apply for food stamps and let the government feed us.  After all, John hadn’t found a job, and our cupboards were bare.  However, I read Isaiah 31:1 in my reading, “Woe unto them that go into Egypt for help.” God had said don’t get the food stamps, and I will take care of you.   He sent a family to us with many groceries, then gave John a job.  The truth was that God would supply all of our needs, and He did.  That was the truth, and it freed me from worry, anxiety, and fear.  I learned that Egypt is a type of the world, and we are not to let the world take care of us.  Since that time, I have been set free over and over.  

God has given me a much more beautiful home, we eat all the time now, and He has restored all that I had held dear.  I trusted Him, and He never let me down.  I have finally learned that freedom is free.  All that I have didn’t cost me a thing.  Truth only costs you trust.

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