Nurturing True Understanding in Our Children”

Nurturing True Understanding in Our Children”

Today I am going to challenge you with that which you hold most dear – your children.  I asked a boy about his faith, but he couldn’t tell me about it.  He actually said, “I  forget what they told me to say.  When I told his parents, they were mad at me for doubting his faith. It is far better to doubt and work with him until he understands than to assume he understands and doesn’t.  He could go through his whole life thinking he is saved, and he isn’t.  

Don’t ever be afraid to make sure your kids are saved.  You must question children.  They tend to say what they think you want them to say.  You can ask them to say “I love Jesus,” and they will say it freely.   They must understand that Jesus did it all for them. It is not what the child says that gets them saved, but what Jesus did.  They must get saved like everyone gets saved.  If they don’t understand, then they wait until they do understand, 

I knew a lady in college who had a 3-year-old daughter.  One day, the lady came to me all excited.  She said that her daughter got saved last night.  No matter how badly you want her saved,  a 3-year-old cannot understand substitution thought.  Now, try not to be anxious, be patient, and trust God.  He loves your kids more than you do.

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