Finding Unshakeable Faith: Lessons from Noah’s Ark
One of my favorite Bible stories is Noah and the Ark. It is intriguing and challenging. God told Noah to build a boat big enough to hold two of every animal on earth and every human that wanted to go.
He was told that it was going to rain enough to flood the earth, and no one would believe him. No one would believe him. No one except his family. His wife and sons and their wives. People laughed at him, ridiculed him, and didn’t believe a word he said. Still, his wife stood by him.
His wife believed in the same God as Noah. I wonder, would I believe that faithfully, that strongly, would you? If all the world was against you, would you still believe in Him?
Well, I believe that I would. You see, I know how He has made me and you. We as His children, are so much more special than we have ever thought. So, we need to look at this for a minute.
We are victorious. Rev. 2:7, We are blessed. Gal 3:9. The light of the world. Matt 5:14 The salt of the earth. Matt 5:13. The apple of His eye. Psm 17:6.
We are beloved of God Rom 1 of 7. We walk in Christ Jesus. Col 2:6. Do not be fooled, the ark did not save Noah, God alone did that. Remember, He sealed up the door. You can turn on the alarm in your house and lock all your doors and windows, but your house doesn’t keep you safe; only God does that.
I sang as a child. This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine. What is that light? Well, it is Christ in me. The hope of glory. Col 1:27. I’m going to let Christ be seen in me.
I believe that Noah knew all of this. He believed when no one else did. He stood amongst the laughter and jeers. He did have his family with him. He had God’s approval and blessing. He had all he needed. We don’t need the unbelieving world when we have Him.
Now, take what I am about to say with heart; your life will make sense, and you will be safe and secure. We have the peace of God, which passes all understanding. Phil 4:7. Now you don’t need the world or the things of the world. You have confidence, love, security, and the promise of eternity. Jon 5:24. How much better can it get?