Heaven Or Not
Some idiot wrote these words; I’d rather reign in Hell than serve in Heaven,”. He knew nothing about Heaven or Hell. A movie I saw was another idiot’s version of Hell. It was about four men who were friends, and they all four died and went to Hell. They sat around a table, played poker, drank beer, and had a merry ‘ol time. Well, folks, it isn’t going to be that way. Friends will not be playing games with you, and there is no a/c in Hell. People have tried to explain Hell. One lady said, “It would be welcome after living in the cold and snow of Alaska.” NO. Hell is unbelievably hot, and eternity is incredibly long.
People make plans for a day, a week, or a month but neglect plans for eternity. How very stupid. God is real, my dears, and eternity is long. If you haven’t thought about eternity, now is a good time. Unbeknown to you, maybe, Satan has been dictating to you. God has tried, but it’s like that joke about good and bad. The man says sometimes I do right, and sometimes I don’t. It is like two dogs living in me. Well, who wins? The one I say sic em to the most. Well, my friend, who wins with you, God or Satan? Who do you say sic em to the most? God or Satan? Don’t let Satan control your life.
He will lie to you, distort reality, and send you to Hell. Ask God for boldness as you witness to friends and family. Some will reject you or ridicule you, but most won’t. In my many years of witnessing for Christ, I have been ridiculed only once, and that was in high school. I was talking to a cute, popular, rich boy. He asked me if I believed something, and I said, “Yes, I do.” He said, Why?” And I said, “Because the Bible says so.” Well, he laughed and laughed. We then went out to the hall where his friends were waiting. He proceeded to tell them what I said and they all laughed, I was embarrassed. That is the only time in 80 years I have been embarrassed of my faith.
Something happened to me that day. I became bolder in my faith. I knew those kids weren’t saved, and they would be embarrassed for their lack of faith someday. Heaven or not? They chose not. That boy’s name was John, and I stopped thinking of him as cute or popular, and I became convicted about praying for him. Praying that God would be merciful and give John another chance. I don’t know what happened that day, but I know I grew up a bit. I know that Satan lost a battle with me that day.
I learned that he didn’t hurt me; he only embarrassed me, and that isn’t too painful. I know that I haven’t been laughed at for my faith again. You see, once I was challenged if I was going to Heaven or not. I chose Heaven. One day at school I fell and hurt my knee really bad. My girlfriends laughed at me, But they were kids, and they didn’t hurt me. I still loved them. It’s all relative; God saw me through it all, and I am saved, wiser, and a little more forgiving. I don’t know what happened to John, and I hope God gave him another chance. Heaven or not, I pray that you have chosen well.